Game Community
Utopic Blades
2 Members

Comments (4)

What do you think?

Looking foward to it! Should turn out great!

Hey Yuri! I would love to try out this game if you can make the game playable for MAC users

A simple card game, collect the best cards and make your way to the top!
Minumun specs: Ryzen 3 2200g with some drops from 60fps to 35fps.
#strategy #multiplayer #cardgame #rpg #esports #turnbased #complex #pointnclick

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Tobacco Use
Mild Language

Using password_hash instead of md5 now, account creation should be more secure now ^^

Some card frames. The art is incomplete, still needs bg and be converted to svg.

AI is working now, can attack, can summon and can make somewhat of decent decisions. Planning to add a tutorial now...

500 lines of programing reached!

The game will have 6 base class, wich i finally decided. And will have 16 combo class. Some of the combos and all the class are in the image.

The center one is the combination of all 6 class. The external circle is the normal combos.

AI now can make some important actions, like play cards and choose the best action. Next step is adding the ATTACK action. When i finish that i'm planning to open the beta.

First balance is here! Once i release the first gameplay video will be easer to know exacly how this works.

My idea is never edit those posts and always make new ones to keep track of how it progresses.

Also soon i will start to publish here the balancement of the cards.

Started the development of the game some days ago, but i come here to notice that we will start our pre-release soon, come test the game and get the first experience.