And now there's an information desk. See what active tasks you have and all the information you need about them, as well as a few stats relating to the ship and players.
Next up
Anyone feel like checking out my Opera GX Jam submission? Would be swell to get a few more eyeballs on it =)
He died doing what he loved...Refilling the ship's oxygen supplies...
So I've been creating an extended version of my #OperaGXGameJam entry (play it here: and...well, here's some procedurally generated asteroids you can mine for minerals...
Views successfully wrangled in HTML5. Now to actually start implementing mechanics...
Gelatinous jungle, one of the levels in Flora & Fang.
You can't see them and they can't see you until they're in your LOS. Step 1 in adding enemies to Wifinite Space is complete (Step 2 is everything else).
Play the #OperaGXGameJam version here:
First mechanic "implemented"...thisisfine.jpg
My Drug Cartel is a drug plantation management colony sim I've been working on for the past year. You can Now Back the game on Kickstarter:…
Implemented another event type. Only three more to go and the events are complete...