JadeCon™: JadeJohnson Industries Gaming-News, Music, Development-Tutorials, Animations, Film, TV, And Tons Of Freebies
3 months ago

At first, this may just look like a catalogue of DLC, but if you pay attention, you will discover that all the main entities featured herein are interconnected through the plots of their storylines!

Like, how excited does this make you feel for the next "JayBowl™"-title?!

Alright, here we go:

Jaybowl Pin Shop:

This is where you can get free custom pin modules to use in your copy or copies of JayBowl 4 and newer. Merry modding, and happy JayBowling!

Whamming White:

These pins are not very easy to knock down, but if you manage to bowl one over, and if it hits another; then given that subsequent pins are positioned correctly, you are sure to be guaranteed a perfect strike.

Raging Red:

These red bowling pins are angry little monsters that are always looking for trouble. They may often intentionally knock down other pins that normally would not have fallen in the situation at hand. They may be an advantage to dishonest players and or leagues in that they can help bowlers cheat in tournaments, since the Official JayBowl Tournament Council has always strictly believed that all pins are the same, no matter what the colour, shape, pattern, size, weight, solidity, opacity, sheen, or luminosity; and doesn't know that every pin has its strengths and weaknesses in each and every alley.

Orderly Orange:

These rule abiding pins always follow the laws of physics. They only fall when it is scientifically correct for them to do so. The only exception to their well executed conduct is that they will fall if they are toppled by Raging Reds or Panicky Purples. The story is told that some bowling alleys in the real world even place these incredibly reliable rule followers in the front of their pin arrangements, claiming that they never lie when it comes to the initiation of the downing sequence when struck first.

Golden Glad:

These solid gold bowling pins are full of mirth. They can cheer up all other pins, except for Raging Reds and Bummed Blues. Even though the blue pins are not necessarily able to be fully enlivened by them, Golden Glads do seem to be the only pins that can soothe a Bummed Blue enough to keep the poor little critter from jumping in front of an oncoming ball at least one more time a day. On the downside, Golden Glads are the first targets attacked by Raging Reds, and they're also the easiest pins to knock down, despite their massive weight.

Yielding Yellow:

If you have ever noticed that JayBowl sometimes takes a few tens of milliseconds longer to display the results of a throw, and if you've ever wondered why, these yellow pins are many times the cause of your curiosity. Quite the lot frequently, they wobble back and forth for a prolonged amount of time, causing the game engine to have to wait until they have either fallen or stopped teetering before giving a final judgement. Six times out of ten, Yielding Yellow pins will fall when stricken gently by the average ball.

Shaky Chartreuse:

These rather snotty pins are so selfish that all the other pins, even the Golden Glads, shun them. The other pins hate shaky Chartreuses so much that they love to prank them into standing in just the right spot so that if a player bowls a one, it's the Shaky Chartreuse that will always go down. This is why, by default, Shaky Chartreuses seem to be the most easily knocked down pins in the bunch, even though that is honestly a misconseption and they are actually supposed to be the fifth hardest to topple.

Grossed Green:

Grossed Greens are highly disgusted by the mere thought of rolling around sideways on the floor. To ensure that they don't have to worry about getting dirty, they tend to try their very best to stay put when attacked by a bowler's weapon. Their chance of falling is normally three in ten. Many professional athletes prefer to train with these, because they claim that Grossed Greens help them know if they've perfected their throw enough to move onto an even more ornery pin. In a standard ten pin alley, these pins are best placed in position eight, from left to right.

Tinkling Teal:

These pins can't stop drinking the excess oil on the alley floor. Well, you know what happens when you drink and drink and drink; you have to pee! The urine of Tinkling Teals is very oily and slippery. When they can't hold it in any longer, they spray it all around them, causing all other pins in range to lose their balance and fall to the ground, resulting in a score for the current player, even if a gutterball is rolled.

Bumbed Blue:

These blue pins are almost always sad. They believe that there is nothing that could ever make them happy, even if there does in fact happen to be some source of happiness out there that they just haven't discovered yet. Legend has it that long ago, Bummed Blues used to be Golden Glads, a species of bowling pin that is full of joy. As the tale goes, some mean specimen, like a gang of Raging Reds, must have bullied them until they felt worthless. Bummed Blues find comfort in getting hit by a player's ball, because they deem that one day, there will be a bowler who is strong enough to put them out of their misery.

Panicky Purple:

These purple pins prefer to run away from the ball. They are afraid of anything that could hurt them, so they often dash off into the back gutter if the ball is directly in front of them to the eyes of the patrons in the alley. Many devoted followers of the JayBowl franchise like to write FanFictions and spread rumors suggesting that Panicky Purples take no caution as they make their great escape, their clumsiness often causing bowlers to be awarded with a strike. It is also said that Raging Reds may assist these violet victims by using their rampant anger to clear a pathway through which they can most easily escape any oncoming ball that frightens them.

Protective Pink:

These feisty fuchsia pins will fight back against and most often either damage or destroy any ball that attacks their friends. They're especially true to their sworn oath to protect Bummed Blues so that they can survive another day and not become one impact closer to being officially retired.

Breakaway Brown:

When a Breakaway Brown is knocked over and comes into contact with the hard surface of the lane, it shatters into dust, which is then disposed of by the automatic pinsetter. On an average of every two weeks, a JayBowl official must restock the colossal vending machine like slotted vault which contains the ever depleting stash of Breakaway Browns. It used to be that only a select few JayBowl approved bowling alleys ever featured these pins, but ever since Thursday February Eighth Of Twenty Eighteen, all JayBowl approved venues have been required to feature and maintain a full supply of these brittle pins. As a result, many locations now feature specialized unpayed robotic workers that order, purchase, receive, unpackage, and install Breakaway Browns for these vaults.

Barbecue Black:

These pins are made of dense charcoal. They also weigh twice as much as every other standard pin. Despite their massive weight however, they are somehow surprisingly easy to bowl over.

Gray Grey:

These are basically just your average bowling pins, but instead of white, they're gray, or grey, or greigh, or however on earth you'd personally like to spell it.

Windy White:

Windy Whites are pins that love to fly. When flung forwards instead of toward the back gutter, they always go beyond the reach of the automatic pinsetter, causing many JayBowl Officials very much anguish, as they have to manually go onto the alley and carry them away. These workers most often despise anyone who bowls with a Brawny Brown, because that just means that the Windy Whites have just flown that much further. As a result of this, to improve customer satisfaction, many JayBowl locations now use robot workers to remove these pins from the lane.

Raspberry Red:

What are we making here — Trix Cereal!?

Opal Orange:

./ ./ ./

"Some body call nine one one, opal fire burnin' on the dance floor, ooh whoa oh!"

./ ./ ./

Glamorous Gold:

Goke-Eye Sheed-Ooh-Bah, Go-Oohed-Ooh-Dough Mode-Dough! (Gokai Silver, Gold Mode!) [Power Pin? Silver; Gold Mode!]

Yogi Yellow:


Shivering Chartreuse:


Glowing Green:

No Billy! Don't touch that pin! It's nuclear!

Twinkling Teal:

(Ding, ding, diddly ding ding, ghee ding, dingy ding, diddly ding dee ding ding ding?) "You know you want me in your alley!" (Ding, ding, diddly ding ding, ghee ding, dingy ding, diddly ding dee ding ding ding?)

Bouncy Blue:

(Boing? Boing? Boiloiloiloiloiloilayoing?)

Proud Purple:

"Knock me down! I can handle any ball!"

Pretty Pink:

Pterodactyl! Power Pin? Pink! ( Deet deet deed eat deet deet!)

Bathroom Brown:

Foghorn: "Roooooooooooooo roooooooooooooo!"

Bunker Black:

"Hey! Where am I?! Did someone turn out the lights?"

Gunge Grey:

Eew! Nasty! What is all over this pin?!

Wisdom White:

"I'm so old, I forgot what the word old even means!"

Holographic Whamming White:

Hologram-Noise: (Ooh-whee-weep...)

Jaybowl Ball Shop:

This is where you can get free custom ball modules to use in your copy or copies of JayBowl 4 and newer. Merry modding, and happy JayBowling!

Yucky Yellow:

This lonely little lifeform has been the default ball for the entirety of the JayBowl franchise. Disappointed in all that it is, this sphere dreams of one day getting to meet its equivalent from another dimension in which the default JayBowl bowling ball has actually changed. Treat this ball with extra care though, for if it's destroyed without being replaced with any new ball at all, your game will no longer function, and you'll have to download a fresh copy of the program.

Rude Red:

Rude Reds are said to be what causes Raging Reds to get so upset and be such bullies. Legend has it that centuries ago, Rude Reds were nice balls and got along just fine with Raging Red Pins, the former only choosing to go down the lane if at least one of the latter were present at its end. But then one day, a Rude Red Ball came down a lane, and changed its trajectory to the surprise of every single spectator, rolling into the gutter instead of knocking over the Raging Red that it otherwise would have been destined to collide with. Ever since that day, Raging Reds have been jealous of the other pins, because "at least they were never shunned by a ball!" That jealousy is sheerly that which fuels the fury of those particular red bowling pins, even to this day.

Ornery Orange:

This breed of bowling ball does everything it can to try to convert Orderly Oranges to the deep dark side, but to no avail. They scoop dust up from the ball return and alley floor, and then kick it into the faces of said orange pins to distort their vision, but the pins always seem to follow the rules. They rat out the Orderly Oranges to the Raging Reds so those bullies can intimidate the poor victims, but the red pins never remember their duties, because they're always more excited to test out their latest evil scheme, one of which they create every new frame. Long story short, Ornery Oranges love causing mischief, but they're not very good at pulling it off.

Golden Gleeful:

These bowling balls love feeding chocolate to Golden Glads. At every JayBowl approved bowling alley, concessions are sold to players, and one of the things that keeps bowlers coming back for more is the abundance of chocolate based foods. Well, as you most likely could have guessed, chocolate can be messy, and it always ends up getting onto the hands of the patrons whom choose to engage in said consumption. When these customers are in the middle of a game, they don't seem to realize that some chocolate has inevitably melted all over their hands. Because of this blissful unawareness, the yummy goo travels from the hands of diners to their bowling balls. Other balls just use their friction with the lane to just heat it away, but Golden Gleefuls make sure that it sticks to them the whole way down. Once they see a Golden Glad, they spin just the right way to flick it off of themselves and onto the pins in question, whom lick it up promptly. The serotonin in the cocoa is exactly what keepsGolden Glads in such good spirits!

Young Yellow:

Young Yellows are exorbitantly powerful balls that are said to be the offspring of Yucky Yellows. These spheres are incredibly fast moving, and can help award a player with more strikes than said bowler may or may not be able to achieve on one's own. Some folks say that using Young Yellows is considered cheating, but the JayBowl officials rather obtusely assume that all balls, lanes, pins, and bowlers are created equal.

Sharp Chartreuse:

These balls are incredibly intelligent. They seem to know more about how the sport of JayBowl should work than any other ball you could name, and let's not even get started on what they know about the different pins, lanes, bowlers, and even the other balls that said entities are still trying to but sadly just might never actually figure out about themselves and or each other!

Grimy Green:

No one knows what the heck it is, but for some reason, it seems like every bowling alley has that one colour of ball that has a thin layer of some kind of sticky transparent goop that coats them all over, turning some players off from wanting to bowl with them. Other bowlers don't seem to mind though, claiming that the viscous substance actually helps them maintain a good grip whilst swinging, so there's nothing to worry about when it comes to these spheres receiving their fair share of use.

Tough Teal:

Did you know that when given the proper care, the average modern bowling ball should last for about ten years? Well, that's normally the case anyway. However, Tough Teals are a special kind of bowling ball because they can last up to an extra seven years. You see, most bowling establishments don't offer players the choice of using a teal bowling ball. It's not because they wouldn't love to, but actually because of one's price. Teal bowling balls are very expensive, not for their colour, but actually for their legendary durability. The reason that all JayBowl approved venues now offer teal balls is, one, for the satisfaction of the color based desires of their customers, but two, because they may be more expensive, but they are really worth the investment. That's an extra seven years they may be able to go without having to replace some equipment. Now that, is how you optimize your life for the long run!

Benign Blue:

It's no secret that Bummed Blues are sad little pins that are often ridiculed by fans of the sport of JayBowl, as well as the bulk of its various players, pins, and balls. That being said, Benign Blues are balls that let Bummed Blues talk to and hug them as they come toward the back gutter, so that they know that there, is, in fact, someone who truly understands and has experienced what it's like to be a victim of bullying. Benign Blues love to comfort Bummed Blues whenever they get the chance.

Peaceful Purple:

When a Panicky Purple sees one of these balls, they know that everything is going to be okay. Peaceful Purples are kind hearted, gentle balls whose every move is soft and subtle even if it appears quick and vigourous to the average spectator. Bummed Blues can't stand these spheres, because all they hope for is an impact strong enough to terminate their existences.

Payback Pink:

Payback Pinks despise Protective Pinks, and they also can't stand Bummed Blues. These balls believe that said blue pins spend way too much time feeling sorry for themselves, and that they should move on with their lives. So, as you can probably imagine, when a Protective Pink stands in front of a Bummed Blue to protect it, all a Payback Pink wants to do is slam into the pink pin, which in turn would hopefully send the blue one behind it flying as well.

Brawny Brown:

Brawny Browns are powerfully built balls that use their spin to send pins flying even further than they should normally go. This can often be a real pain to JayBowl Officials, because they then have to go and get the stray forward thrown pins from the middle of the lane and from the side gutters, and also award players that many more points than the computer recorded, since it only adds pins that the pinsetter can automatically gate off and remove.

Blaring Black:

Most bowling balls make a basic thud when you throw them, but not these ones! Blaring Blacks are so loud that they sound like "the drum beats from a car whose stereo system is cranked up to the max", and "the thunderous roar you hear whilst sitting in the very back seat of an airplane as it's taking off", had an ear drum shattering, hideous baby! Let's just all be lucky that all JayBowl approved bowling alleys come with a state of the art acoustics leveling infrastructure, so that the unsightly boom of these spheres is limited to the exact same levels of volume and depth featured in the sounds of every other ball out there! Eh?

Guilty Grey:

This species of ball is always feeling like it has done something wrong. Even if it has had the best day ever, there will always still be a faint bit of guilt that it just plain old can't shake off. For this reason, Guilty Greys always apologize before knocking down each pin or group of them.

Wandering White:

This ball does not always follow its handler's intended trajectory. To the naked eye, it looks like it's doing exactly what it's supposed to, but in fact, it's changing hook directions at such a rapid rate that not even a tunneling electron can compete with the speed of its randomly oscillating rotation angle. Therefore, when this ball hits a pin, no one knows which way it'll travel!

Raw-Meat Red:

Let's hope you like your steak a hundred percent uncooked!

October Orange:

What? Was this thing made from a pumpkin?

Grits Gold:

Are you feeling the very hungriest like no one ever was?

Yummy Yellow:

If the labels on these balls say that they are not edible, then why would their manufacturers have given them that name?!

Sherbet Chartreuse:

Goo Green:

Did you know that the official television-variant of Nickelodeon® Slime™ is perfectly edible? Anyway, this ball is not!

Toaster Teal:

"The Pioneer Woman" has a toaster for sale that's this colour. Just don't try to put this ball into it, because it definitely won't fit!

Blue-Grape Blue:

Most folks would tell you that grapes are purple, and they are. But one guy out there in the real world, claims that their blue! Like, who does that! But anyway, this ball was made to support those who believe him, whether he's right or not.

Purple-Grape Purple:

Now, this! Is the colour that a grape, should, be! Although, green ones are also acceptable, and so are you if you call purple ones red and green ones white.

Princess-Cake Pink:

Somewhere, anywhere, and everywhere; all the pretty pretty princesses are thanking the manufacturers of this ball! You're very welcome!

Bean Black:

Have you ever tried black bean soup? It's really good!

Bratwurst Brown:

Have you ever tried a bratwurst? They're actually really tasty and full of flavour!

Grossness Grey:

Nobody would want to eat anything this colour. But it does make a nice metallic finish for a bowling ball!

Wool White:

Did you know that the song "Mary Had A Little Lamb" is a reference to the birth of Jesus Christ?

Jaybowl Lane Shop:

This is where you can get free custom lane modules to use in your copy or copies of JayBowl 4 and newer. Merry modding, and happy JayBowling!

Roaring Red Room:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Panicky Purples, Protective Pinks, Raging Reds, Orderly Oranges, and Golden Glads; as well as Purple, Pink, Red, Orange, and Gold bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might LITERALLY DESTROY any other coloured entities, enabling the red supportive survivors to win by default.

Obscure Orange Observatory:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Protective Pinks, Raging Reds, Orderly Oranges, Golden Glads, and Yielding Yellows; as well as Pink, Red, Orange, Gold, and Yellow bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might be able to summon and then ride a colossal wave of gooey sticky orange marmalade, submerging and drowning any other coloured entities far beneath its surface, enabling the orange supportive survivors to win by default.

Amber Ember Alley:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Raging Reds, Orderly Oranges, Golden Glads, and Yielding Yellows; as well as Red, Orange, Gold, and Yellow bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might very well cause a cataclysmic explosion the likes of which no other coloured entities have ever witnessed before! Chances are also very high that due to the sheer power of this blast, only the beings that caused it may survive after the fact, enabling the amber supportive survivors themselves to win by default.

Yowzah Yellow Yard:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Orderly Oranges, Golden Glads, Yielding Yellows, Shaky Chartreuses, and Grossed Greens; as well as Orange, Gold, Yellow, Chartreuse, and Green bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might be able to combine their electromagnetic fields and fry any other coloured entities like a fresh fish filet, enabling the yellow supportive survivors to win by default.

Shabby Chartreuse Shelter:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Yielding Yellows, Shaky Chartreuses, and Grossed Greens; as well as Yellow, Chartreuse, and Green bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might be able to rearrange the atomic structures of any other coloured entities, enabling the Chartreuse supportive survivors to win by default.

Gooey Green Gallery:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Yielding Yellows, Shaky Chartreuses, Grossed Greens, Tinkling Teals, and Bumbed Blues; as well as Yellow, Chartreuse, Green, Teal, and Blue bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might be able to drown any other coloured entities in green slime whilst still themselves being able to breathe slash function while submerged beneath the goop, enabling the green supportive survivors to win by default.

Tricky Teal Terrace:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Shaky Chartreuses, Grossed Greens, Tinkling Teals, Bumbed Blues, and Panicky Purples; as well as Chartreuse, Green, Teal, Blue, and Purple bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might be able to fly into the air, leaving any other coloured entities to fall through the endless void, enabling the teal supportive survivors to win by default.

Bold Blue Bastion:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Grossed Greens, Tinkling Teals, Bumbed Blues, Panicky Purples, and Protective Pinks; as well as Green, Teal, Blue, Purple, and Pink bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might be able to summon and then ride a giant wave of blue water, submerging and drowning any other coloured entities far beneath its surface, enabling the blue supportive survivors to win by default.

Popular Purple Pier:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Tinkling Teals, Bumbed Blues, Panicky Purples, Protective Pinks, and Raging Reds; as well as Teal, Blue, Purple, Pink, and Red bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might be able to summon and then climb atop a giant avalanche of purple grapes, crushing and or suffocating any other coloured entities far beneath its surface, enabling the purple supportive survivors to win by default.

Pretty Pink Palace:

This lane is built to help intensify the bonding powers shared between Bumbed Blues, Panicky Purples, Protective Pinks, Raging Reds, and Orderly Oranges; as well as Blue, Purple, Pink, Red, and Orange bowlers and balls. When pins, bowlers, balls, and lane work together, they just might be able to summon and then ride a giant wave of fresh gooey pink cake, submerging and drowning any other coloured entities far beneath its surface, enabling the pink supportive survivors to win by default.

Black Bosom:

This alley offers a great amount of contrast, especially when paired with warm coloured or white entities.

Brown Brine:

This once clean, now sewage ridden ocean is great for gold panning. Just be careful that none of that poopy goop gets into any of your body holes! As hinted at by the whole "gold panning" thing, this alley works great with golden bowlers and balls.

Grey Garden:

This is where the dead rest. Don't forget to pay them a visit every now and then to pray for and pay your due respects to them and say your goodbyes to any newcomers.

White World:

This alley offers a minimalistic, dreamlike experience, especially when paired with other white, grey, or black entities.

Silver Study:

This is where biologists, geneticists, and chemical engineers work hard all throughout their weekdays, analyzing their finds. This alley makes literally anything look good when placed inside of it!

Golden Gateway:

This is where you spend your days once you have become a master of something, anything! You endlessly practice in here, performing whatever it is you've mastered, but all the while, you kind of wonder if you should leave this chamber to make sure that you really are the very best, like no one ever was.

JayBowl Bowler Boutique:

Saved as an in-game surprise...

JayBowl — Terms Of Utilisation:

Please do not modify others's game data unless they have expressedly granted you permission, for doing so without the owner's okay is an illegal form of hacking that may result in one or more civil and or criminal penalties of varying degrees of severity. Please do not file fake legal claims or law suits saying that someone has criminally hacked your personal game data when they really didn't. Please do have fun!



Next up

How The New BradCoWaiian Dreams Will Run On A Dell Or HP Laptop From 2018 Or Earlier:

For reference, we recommend running this game on an MSI or ASUS laptop from 2022 or later, with either an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 or an AMD Ryzen 9 9950 GPU.


That's right, "The JadeEmatic is coming! BEFORE, the Nintendo ® Switch™ successor!

The adventure-games are coming!

The adventure-games are coming!

Here it is, the Xbox Trailer no one expected.

Have you noticed that some of our games now come in proper "boxes?" Just like the ones you might see on the Nintendo® Switch™ shelves at your local game-store?

Please comment which of our games should receive the box treatment next!

Out with the old, In with the new!

If the latest Nintendo rumours are anything by which to go, which — let's face it — they're not, these new plans still shan't put JadeEmatic behind The Switch's successor!

Are you ready for more awesome news?!

Hoping ya'll are ready to funk right now! If you want the testers key, DM me. :D

Wild Leak Appeared?!