Getting straight into it
- Made variable jump height. Basically the longer you hold the jump button you higher you jump. This allows short hop jumps which will have some platforming areas about to come out.
- UI oh boy was this changed. The UI was updated graphically was just to make it look a little nicer. Some menus were rework to make them look better and require less clicking on options.
- Status screen on main menu area.
- Improved the combat knock back a bit and damage hit box timers. This will be improved even more.
New features
-Monsters drop items now yeah.
Granted we only have the skeleton warrior at the moment, but the alpha 4 update fixes that.
I fixed some issues with some rooms not transiting smoothly from one room to another room.
Fixed some collider issues to caused some weird issues when being under a one way platform that is by a wall.
Fixed the player not leaving running animation when falling off the side of a platform.