
6 months ago

It's here! The largest update yet. Includes 8 ball pool, fishing, a sandbox mode, and a hard mode! (+ Many fixes and QOL) Patch notes below.

Major Changes:

  • Added 8-ball pool with a CPU opponent, following standard 8 ball rules

  • Added a fishing minigame in which is timed and high score based

  • Added a sandbox mode

  • Added a hard mode with new environments and twists on level design

  • A completely upgraded target mode written from scratch

  • Added a progression system where some things may not unlock right away

Full List of Major Changes:

  • 8-ball pool has a somewhat intelligent AI that can guess the likelihood of shots

  • The 8-ball pool AI can shoot and move the camera

  • 8-ball pool has a failure and win state (i.e. pocketing the 8 ball prematurely)

  • 8-ball pool tracks if any player is stripes or solids

  • 8-ball pool has a UI that gives info on the current pocketed balls, who's turn it is, and if the player is solids or stripes (or undecided)

  • 8-ball pool the player can get a foul and turn is given up

  • Added a saloon for 8-ball pool

  • Added a unique background song for 8-ball pool

  • Added a sandbox mode for testing momentum in a giant sandbox

  • Added moveable physics objects to the sandbox

  • Added testing platforms in sandbox mode

  • Added sand dunes to the sandbox

  • Added a new background song for the sandbox

  • Fishing minigame has a timer that starts upon spawning fish

  • Fishing: Fish now dynamically spawn and despawn randomly

  • Fishing: Added a new background song

  • Fishing: A random bonus fish and multiplier is chosen randomly (gives you a higher score for catching said fish when active)

  • First part of hard mode takes place in a storm, then moves to a lava lake, then to a sandstorm

Minor Changes:

  • Volume and display settings now save and reapply when changing or reopening the game

  • You can no longer "fall out" upwards on stages without an air orb

  • UVs were fixed on many meshes

  • Certain levels were reassigned a fade in when they were missing before

  • Added sandstorm and rain SFX to hard mode

  • Added a thunder mechanic that displays full screen lightning flashes in hard mode

  • Fishing: If a fish is being hooked it gives the fish a "protected" state in which it cannot despawn

  • Fishing: Score animates in real time like Target

  • Fishing: Different fish have different base values

  • Fishing: Fish were given a unique sprite (1 of 4) for each species

  • Fishing: Added a spinning animation when switching bonus fish

  • Fishing: The game procedurally spawns orbiting planets every game start

  • Fishing: Fish use AI wandering tech to swim around randomly

  • Fishing: Fish spawn in a circle radius

  • Fishing: Added a fake fishing shadow to all fish

  • Fishing: Water ambience added

  • Fishing: Catch/lose sounds added, and also sounds play every second during the last 10 seconds to warn the player

  • Fishing: The timer gets slightly bigger after the 10 second warning and color changes

  • Sandbox mode & fishing are now unlocked by completing hard mode once

  • Pool & hard mode are now unlocked by completing normal mode once

  • Main Menu: "New Game" has been renamed to "Normal Mode"

  • Fishing: Added automatic save data for high scores

  • Pool balls now have clack and pocket sounds

  • Pool balls now clack upon impact with other balls

  • Shooting in pool now has a sound

  • 8-ball pool has a power meter to control power of shots

  • Pool: Added save data that tracks the amount of sets won over time

  • Sandbox now has a sand castle buried inside partially

  • Records UI: Now displays all new records added in this update in the main menu

  • Main Menu: Overhauled the layout and colors for more variety and cohesion with the new modes

  • Main Menu: Gave the records button a rainbow hue shift on the text

  • Main Menu: Locked modes now display an ominous question mark shadow until unlocked

  • Main Menu: Saves if player has beaten normal mode and hard mode and unlocks the modes on loading

  • Records UI: Level times in format MM:SS:MMM now display as ??:??:??? if unset

  • Added Xbox controller support to all menus, including the pause menu

  • All UI buttons have a dark tint when selected by a controller

  • Proper Xbox player controls added to all modes and areas of the game giving the player 100% Xbox controller support in the entire game

  • The "Thanks for Playing!" and world intermission UIs (scenes) now support controller

  • Added "helper UIs" in intros of the new modes that teach players the controls, and only display on the first round (except fishing which has 1 round, and sandbox which is the same controls as the main game)

  • Pool: Added breakshot and also when scratching a free cam is enabled to place the ball where you want

  • Pool Added visible barriers that show where it will reset you for going out of bounds, during a breakshot this includes a wall at the start, barriers hide and unhide dynamically based on if the player is in free cam mode

  • Older "helper UIs" were updated to include controller support tips

  • Fixed camera jitter on stages with complex geometry

  • Target: Player can properly move in full 3D

  • Target: Player has gravity when grabbing wings that exponentially gets stronger as the round progresses

  • Target: When colliding with a platform, instead of changing the player's rigidbody to kinematic (which abruptly makes it stop) it can still roll off the edge, just with higher drag

  • Target: The target score counter/end sequence now waits longer to accommodate the new landing mechanic

  • Target: In the rare event the player does not fall out but is not on a platform, the game will shoot a raycast from the player and detect if it hit a platform

  • Target: Added multiplier power ups that cumulatively multiply your score (if you can land safely)

  • Main Menu: Added new "movies" to the main menu that preview gameplay when selecting or hovering over it

  • Main Menu: If the player loses control of the UI, by pressing B it resets to the options menu button

  • Main Menu: Pressing B in the options menu closes it (alongside the back button)

  • Main Menu: Buttons on different menus cannot be interacted with if a higher level menu is open

  • Main Menu: Removed the wait buffer fade from options menu when closing

  • Fixed ball woop sounds playing in air when WASD is pressed

  • Ball woops now properly pitch scale with speed

  • Target: If the player lands on a platform with wings still equipped upon landing the game plays the wing ending sequence, but scores still count

  • Main Menu: Replaced the old target "movie" with a new one with the new mechanics



Next up

In editor footage of controller support on UI

It will only support Xbox controllers natively.

Working on a patch/content update. I've been fixing some problems. Settings will soon save after editing. Also I've been fixing tons of UVs. Now it looks all nice and square (Pictures show a few updated UVs in editor). So much better!

Target is getting a minor addition, multipliers! They multiply your score. And yes it is cumulative (all by x2), so a multiplier 4 * this powerup would be 8, thus leading to an x8 score (if you can land safely).

Target is getting a huge rework. I basically rewrote the movement code from scratch. You now have to actually fly and steer to score. It also makes multipliers harder.

I'm experimenting with some demos, I recently ported some Acceleroll code to Unity 6, Also gave me a chance to give it a bit of a glow up (just for fun, may not keep it)

NOTE: Does not actually support RTX

New menu, this one isn't claustrophobic and is organized kinda (top: main modes middle: minigames bottom: extras) some of which you can only unlock during gameplay. Also added videos for the two modes! Release hopefully soon!

Clickity Clack. I love the sound these make. I set it up so every ball collision makes this noise so you get all these super clacky sounds and I love it.

Teaser for visuals of a new mode. Only visuals at the moment. This is for a new mode that will contain remixed stages (gameplay and environments), and for this level the visuals are a thunderstorm! No level design yet...

In the new mode you can find an updated variant of the desert levels! Thick sandstorms, howling winds, fog, limited visibility. Can you make it to the goal safely?

Huge progress 🎯! The target minigame touch up is nearly complete. I basically coded the entire thing from scratch. It's really fun now! This is how I wanted it in the game jam but time made it difficult.

#gamedev #platformer #3D #Unity