Five Nights at F***boy's: Plushtrap's Misadventure

7 months ago

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 2

Greetings, and welcome back to another devlog.

While some events and new additions, such as bosses, have been added sense last time, this week was mostly used for balancing and testing a lot of things, such as moves, enemies stats, drop rates, etc...

Can confirm that both shops available in the F***boy's House section, as well as the optional encounter tied to Nightmare BB's quest are fully functional, which even if small stuff, is always nice to have in a working state. The ground work for the main fights of said section are already made, just need some final testing to make sure it's balanced before i continue with the next story point.


(the stars are placeholder icons for the element system. also have no f***ing clue why the enemy description is chainging lines when i never told it to, something i will look into later)

I also started to delve deeper into the elemental affinity system, mainly with the enemies, for, again, balancing, with their current weaknesses and resistances being at a point that i think fits each one, without being overkill for either party.

As states, not much to report to you guys this week sense it was more centered around balancing what was already in existence, mainly because that's always a step i forget to do until it's too late.

Never the less, i still hope you enjoyed this rather small update for this week, hopefully next week i'm able to report a much larger amount of things, without spoiling too much of course.

And as always, see you on the flipside.



Next up


Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 10

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 6

"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 7

FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!

if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 9

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 8

Yeah another FNaFb4 Fan Game, it's only a demo for now (yes i don't have a better image to use in this post)

Happy birthday to fnaf 3 and me as well i guess have blue dealing with sentiant party wear (yes i consider the blue recolor a diffrent entity and not a digital version of myself)