Hello everyone!
This week we released another build, packed with a lot of QoL changes from community feedback, including the much anticipated option to change the spell animation speed and the walking animation speed. The build has an extensive list of QoL, UI and modding features upgrades and additions! You can view the full change log right here.
We’ve started working on the next update and this time we’re focusing on balance. We have lots of changes planned for many human classes, including the Fell Blade, Scoundrel, Sorcerer and Gadgeteer. We also have a huge update pass to the numbers of almost all monster classes to improve on their balance.
We’ve also been adding a lot of new sound effects and new spell visuals. The big spells we showed last week are finally done. Here’s what the Demon one looks like in-game:

Otherwise, we’re just chugging along, adding more content, more maps and refining the game’s cutscenes.