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This is Cammy White's entrance. We did cut some seizure-fuel out, so it's slightly-shorter than it otherwise would have been. Should we add that part back in, and let players pick which variant they want to see whenever they face her?

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Wondering what new features will be in the upcoming, in-development "Wrestle Camp 2"? Discover the all-new gameplay-mechanics, and view some of the games new series-first-characters and their unique entrance motifs, right here:

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Those of you who really liked and were looking forward to "JadeOna Infinity" are in for some rad news: we're going to take the animationless code we have left and re-enervate it back into the original full-game we envisioned!

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You may wonder: "JadeRive™ 2? Are you sure you're not making Mario™ Kart DS!?"

We'll let, you, answer this one:

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Unfortunately, we are going to have to cancel "JadeOna Infinity™", due to PowerPoint corrupting its data whilst supposedly-saving it. However, we did salvage one piece of code, and are proud to announce that we're using that to make "JadeRive™ 2"!

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Development-Day-Two of "JadeOna Infinity™" went very-well! We're saving the lap-system and additional-tracks for last, though, because they'll be the hardest to implement. We'll also add-in a main-menu before the game's final launch.

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Although we'll need a-little-while-longer to incorporate the lap-system, we're working on the first-ever "JadeJohnson Games™"-racing-themed-title!

Check out this perfectly-successful pre-alpha code-test gameplay-showcase!

We'll also add new biomes, too!

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Anybody notice that most-of the entrance-video- and soundtrack-audio, we've shown-off so far has much better timbres than those of the first "Wrestle Camp"-game? Maybe quite-a-bit-more bass, perhaps some brighter treble? Eh, eh?

CM Punk doesn't though.

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Here's Moana's beautiful entrance! We haven't added in the rest of the in-game-audio, or the "Wrestle Camp"-series-signature-lighting-effects yet, but we assure you that they, will, be in the final-game!

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Here's Taylor Swift's nostalgically-"Love Story"-scored entrance. Once aGain, it's rendered via the "JadeElight™"-console's soundchip, but it doesn't yet feature any in-game-audio or lighting-effects. Similarly, they, will, be added into the final-game!

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