general in The Legend of Zelda
My #ZeldaMemory started in 1989 with Zelda II: The Adventure of Link as the very first Zelda game that I ever play. What impress me at the time it introduce the game play premise of exploratory going from different scene mix with technique of combat.
Playing majora's mask for the first time and beating it
Definitely my favorite Zelda Thing I liked was when I did a Randomizer Playing as myself, definitely pretty fun
I think I should stay doing runs again at some point
My most cherished #ZeldaMemory is when I played Majora's Mask on my 3DS for the first time
I wish I can p!ay it on the N64 man 😓
My favorite #ZeldaMemory is when I played breath of the wild for the first time, my brother said I had to fight the “monk guy” and it was the first Zelda game I’ve played :)
I remember playing the original Legend of Zelda on the NES emulator for the Wii. I think I was actually around 5 to 6 years old at the time.
#ZeldaMemory I remember when I was little my father gave me a snes mini with many games from my childhood including Zelda and link to the past, I didn't know much English so I didn't finish it but I loved it