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Reminder - if it seems like the channel has been quiet lately, that's because we're in the middle of beta testing!

Reply here if you'd like to try out Crucible and get a free product key upon release for your trouble!

new game i made play it if you want or no idc (Advertise Your Games Here post)

In case you missed it - SEQUEL BETA TESTING!

Carnage in Space: Crucible is coming Soon*!

If you'd like to try it early and help me perfect it, read below to join the beta test and score a free copy!

I'm working on a brand new games and I'm looking for suggestions. If you have a minute or two please do check it out!


If you're interested in trying out Carnage in Space: Crucible before it goes on sale, please read below!

I'm giving out free Steam/GameJolt product codes to anyone who completes the survey!

The arena now has an audience! You'll attract more viewers when you play at higher difficulty levels.

ALSO: Finished another cutscene - only one more left before PRIVATE BETA TESTING begins. Stay tuned!

Because everyone needs a friend.

If that's what these two are.

Maybe they're more like colleagues.

I thought it would be rude to ask.

hey theres a really cool game that who ever reads this, i think you should try it out (it's not my game, im just recommending it) the game was made by @BonoDev go check him out

Hey everyone, i'll just like to announce that i now have a twitter, the name is the same like my name here, please check it out and follow, cause all of the news will go there, (maybe)......................(reposted) Link here

Free to use game concept