Your own creepypastas in CREEPYPASTA COMMUNITY

What's so creepy?

[a creepypasta attempt based on a nightmare]

(criticism is welcome)

More of Tu Es Amicus/Thinner




Fuck you watermark

An alternate take on the red mist creepypasta.


Yes in the game there will be a basement!

#Sonic #SonicExe #Sonic_Fangame #CreppyPasta #Horror

Imagine a Sonic.Exe game,

that takes place on Halloween,

Sonic is a Pumpkin Jack Exeitor

and his friends planned to celebrate,

Tails went for Sonic but found him like that

(My creativity level kicked while i had this idea)

#SonicExe_Fangame #SonicExe

Prototype Fredbear's Ask Series #0

This is a story about a disturbing episode of one of my series, and it was made by an insane person who kidnapped random people to act as the characters.