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This layer preview looks like it fell out of a mid-tier analog horror

when i'm not making pixel art, i'm cooking japanese food! here's my recent dishes

what hobbies do you have?

#GJAsks "What's the most embarrassing death you've ever had in a game?" I am. Bad at Fortnite.

>driving car
>dont see island teleporter
>drive into it
>car gets shot into the sky
>land on the edge of the island
>car explodes
>you have placed 11th

If "pixel" were to be standardized as a verb, similar to paint, how do you think the past tense form would be spelled?

  7 votes Voting finished

Hey I'm new here and it's a lot but I see some familiar faces so hello 👋

what u like the most

  55 votes Voting finished

Cat. (His name is Rebel.)

Guys I'm drawing Garrus and trying polls do you wanna see?

  10 votes Voting finished

my eyes bg is in featured creations! so cool!!

What game do I think should get a sequel? This may be an unpopular opinion, but Mass Effect Andromeda. There was a lot in ME:A that they were setting up for, and then since it did bad I doubt they'll do a sequel, but I'd love to see one.
