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Right forgot to mention, i still need help with this game. we only got medineer and iaon which is something but i think i bit more wont hurt. join the server in the article and we'll discuss a bit from there. hope to see what you can do for this project.

I found @The_Sans_Comic_Artist on Pokémon Go!

Wait, I have a question about you, @The_Sans_Comic_Artist , If you're a Wooper, will you evolve to Quagsire?

me just trying to exist and stumbling upon my friends server after forgetting i was in there and seeing the most atrocious shit i've ever seen

Where is Orion? Wrong answers only.

  3 votes Voting finished

Flesh... what the funk?

Yo fellas I'm older now!

It's me spawn day

I didn't know until a few minutes ago-

oh and yes, were still working on this.

Omen (Both sides of his split personas)

Yara (General Y)

Thatch (working him out still but his scarf and him have a Psionic link so it's a hand)

Some idea I'm thinking of

Yeah doesn't look finished but wasn't meant to look like more than a sketch. Break's not really over, I'm just posting because I feel like it.

Big Raga adapting to random bs compilation