Netizens creations in Digital Dystopia

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More melee combat, testing some lighting and the "orb warp" orb upgrade is in and working what do you think??


This took longer than I wanted and I'm still working on it BUUUUT here's some melee combat



Weapon add ons are in and working now, just got some sprites to make :) what do you think so far??



After a little bit of time off for the holidays it's back to Orb Walker everyday! Everyday Orb Walker! a million posts Orb Walker! 2022 Orb Walker! Let's go!


It's been a great year, but it's not beeen a great know? Released Space Bugs, U.D.O, Star Miner, announced Orb Walker, Star Miner won a competition, it's been amazing, but it's also been...2021. Hows your year been???

Come try U.D.O there's multiple levels to unlock and it's free :)


Star Miner is fun, short and free :) go check it out let me know what you think :D

anyone else taking decorations down and getting ready for new year???

Anyone eating leftovers from Christmas today???