Netizens creations in Digital Dystopia

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After Ludum and Noticeme I needed a bit of a break, I honestly didn't realize how tired I was but I did learn a lot. So now taking what I learnt I'm spending some time improving Orb Walkers UI and working on improving the game feel.

Have u tried star miner yet???

Try it out! let me know what you think???

TheFates ended up on GX corner and the front page of GXC, I don't really know what to say, but its pretty crazy right? ty so much @gameinthelife for messaging me!


Ludum dare day 2, pretty happy with progress so far.


ITS LUDUM DARE 50! Theme is delay the inevitable (I hate it) but we soldier on regardless, here is my currently unnamed fish pond game.#ludumdare50


۹( ÒہÓ )۶ LOOK OVER HERE ۹( ÒہÓ )۶ Its FUN, its FREE, its Space Bugs! Try it out let me know what you think :D


Log 3.! I'm back with another weekly update on Orb Walkers progress, bit more art than code this week, but what do you think of it???

Some scene design.

Bit down after learning just HOW badly 'TheFates' is doing in the #Noticeme game jam with the frontrunners getting 20k+ plays and I'm sitting at 70 :D haha so this isn't done but I don't have the energy right now.


AND WERE BACK tired from #Noticeme still but it's it's ORB WALKER TIME AGIN LETS GOOOOOLL


TheFates Trailer!!! I spent a lot of hours on this game and I'm super happy with how it came out :D it's free try it out let me know what you think :D