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Спасибо за такой шедевроарт @Decwor . Если будет время, то нарисую и тебя)

Thanks for such beautiful art @Decwor ) If I have time, I'll draw you too)

Снова рисую Фредди из Fnia, но уже в более другом стиле.

I'm drawing Freddy from Fnia again, but already in a more different style.


Guys, there is a minor problem.... #seriyt #fnia #fnaf #clicteamfusian #gameteaser #fniage #fniarl


new teaser for fniarl =D

artist: @Autumn_Satire


a new beginning....

artist @Autumn_Satire

Makima from anime "Chainsaw Man"


Work resumes

She never give change my OC to break and hide [Ibis Paint X]
Terima kasih yang masih menonton video saya...saya memang hargainya Link to download gamejolt in mobile android for free:

please follow this guy @Uzi_Doorman

#fnaf #fnia #seriyt

the work is in full swing so it's not going to be news soon.....

#fnia #fnaf #gamedev #game #develop #girl #16 #furry