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The Jiāngshī: Aka, Chinese hopping vampire, is a type of reanimated corpse. Jiāngshī's can be created via spirit possession or its own spirit's failure to leave its corpse due to it having an improper death, suicide or just wish to cause trouble. #Zombie

''at the start of the day...''


✨ A Beautiful Nightmare ✨

(read article!)

Dracula means “son of Dracul.” In the Romanian language today, dracul means “the devil”—drac is “devil,” ul is “the”—but it is derived from the Latin dracō, “dragon.” (Dragons have been historically associated with Satan, hence the evolution.) #Vampire

holy moly......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What is this Is this the truth about wii3000!!!

"Tick" by Adam Barber

'Ello lads, lasses, in and out betweens! An announcement I have, especially for lovers of horror and Halloween!

quick post that probably nobody asked

what could happen if for some reason doomy discovers dyno universe¿

plus explaining how doomy aka king does the thing