say hi :3

@GemLP in princess outfit

Forgive me for this, @GemLP

Secret Messages SEASON 2

Don't do Incredibly Edgy or Offensive Jokes

No Spamming

Be Original 3:<

NSFW will be Censored but I will have a funny Reaction :3

other than that, go wild :3

should I try doing secret messages again or nah

@GemLP Fanart

hey guys could you follow @Pail-The-Puppet-Fool :o he deserves it :3


Enemies can now travel for more than 1 path :o they randomly choose a path if there's more than 1, you can hover your mouse on the enemy to see what path they'll take.

If I did modern art I'd call this one

"I didn't feel like getting out of bed today"

the meaning behind it is my struggles of getting out of bed that day and I reckon the painting clearly represents that.


I'm so tired...................................... I've pretty much got everything basic done for now though :D will probably move the position of the tower selection stuff in the Tower Menu :o but otherwise I'm happy with it :D


You can talk to people here... I'll check by from time to time aswell, remember, we're all friends here

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