ARTZ N CRAFTS in Little Devil's Lounge!


T.C.A.S Helmet Mark I (Prototype)

(Tactical Combat Assault Suit Mark 1)

I.P.M.D Soldier

Dev log #6 here's some textures and lighting I've been testing

I made some random doodles

Updated Happy Clown Model

what do you think?

uhm yeah
ya'll my fellow artist should totally do it too :3

I did a silly little art Collab with @mac_n_cheeseiscool
I drew Miss circle he drew Baldi
he's a really cool artist and you should check him out :D

The old teacher returns..
This art was a collab between me and @-Little_Devil_Darling- (he drew Miss Circle, i drew Baldi). he is a really good artist i really recommend you check his stuff out!

THE LOREEEEEEEEEE (read article)

"God will forgive all, for he is everloving... it is clear I am not him" -Sasha

Cool art I made in Photomosh