All Posts in EarthBound/MOTHER

Show the whole Earth your ideas about EarthBound and the series itself!

I tried drawing asriel sprite as fast as possible with no reference but it turned out looking like a crappy Ness-Asriel swap lmao


Yesterday was a fun time in DF REFLECTED!
Sadly, I couldn't hang out for long, because I had important things to do. But I also couldn't skip a chance like that. Here's some screenshots with my skinpacks!
Read article about what's left for me to do.

I decided to try and revamp some of Mother's sprites, and wow. I forgot how bad Ninten looks in this game. Not even close to his original clay model. Mine are on the right, same color/tile/size restrictions and everything. Still a WIP.
Why would Porky Minch be in Giygas lair in Mother 2 if there was no organic matter in his lair?