Hail Apollo The Capuchine pigeon!

Caution Proto!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while been super busy with exams :[

[Cute Voice] You're welcome @Dynocation

First style without lineart and second style with lineart

[trend origin of @TockaKatze :D ]

This morning I got snuggle trapped by my dog :p

About the Sonic And The Darkness castle one little of details [Sonic Bloody Smile! Game] [article]

Ah hello, sorry I'm not posting something different and interesting, I'm trying to get excited about some digital drawing I'm doing.

Can someone give me this lockdown background I'm already supporting Some creator, I liked the structure of the colors

[If you can't or no one else can, I'll understand, but remember this background is exclusive ]

[I need a new background too]

Letting off steam about Halloween art and what I'm observing


Finished up my re-draw of Leyroy, i love doing headshots.

Do y'all ever just randomly manifest all your artistic potential into a meaningless sketch