"I wanted to save you-" "But you're killing me."

Concept art for rainy roses!!!!

Character name: Shapes n Corners

He is a ringleader in his own circus, one of the areas of the game I am still working on.

#ShapesNCorners #RainyRoses

Mindy and Rosie as kids :)

#rainyroses #analoghorror #rainyrosesrpg

Both characters in #RainyRoses [Mindy C storm/Vera Marie Rains and Rosie stiff/Rosalinda] are aroace, [aromantic + asexual].

However, the game/analog horror series I am working on will center on their relationship

More details in article

Aa fragile as a porcelaine ballerina...


Welcome to the Rainy Roses ANALOG HORROR! community on Game Jolt! Here is where fanart and questions can go! Same with headcanons and AUs!

@StarShapedTriangle owner
Report A community for 8 months