Fan Games in Sega
Your post -coming Holiday 2023
spoiler week 3
three enemies... four survivors...
Here are some screenshots about sonic 4 episode 1 2D
HOLY CRAP! its 26 december 2021 version. first realease and creation version
- no menu
- like nothing
-difrent music and... hm
ah yes i wasn't droped spoiler yesterday, so extras menu is get only old good ending from 2023 dont? so now let it get 2022 end.
What do you think of the graphic? ;J
Atmospheric isn't it ;D
#SonicExe #Sonic #SonicFangame #SonicJack #Exe #SonicExeGame #ExeGame #Graphic #Design #Atmospheric
New Portraits for Sonic Fighting Heroes: King of The Ring V3.2.2. Decided to switch up the artstyle and go for something more expressive this time around.
Ok, now you gotta admit these effects are cool looking