All Posts in Sow_My_Stitches' Creative Hangout

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You know the place

Its long yes, but for the sake of optimization(at least I think) I must

My math autism made me have like a fixation on sorting algorithms for a brief moment what

Quick sketch

Elliott on da whiteboard

Liz thinking about stuff

I think I never had this many congratulate me to my birthday. It's something over 33 people by now (2Janurary)

Added slopes in once again, and everything's actually pretty good! Even with the slopes in the depth sorting is still working as it should, which is weird cuz in the other engine it acted pretty jank around slopes. Good to know that it still works tho

Quick drawing of my sona.

Based on @Reverie_Rev 's drawing of my sona (second pic)

I ended up completely changing Elliott

Honestly I love him a lot more now