Games in TurboWarp

This following is immense and I never thought I would get this far. Thank you all! <3
10k views, and I'll make another, much better game.. o-o

Currently beta testing some more of HSaF, it's been good. Ran into minor bugs but overall, it was a good experience. Everything is balanced and its genuinely a good and fun experience. We might be getting HSaF a bit earlier than 2025, who knows.

- ... ... / .- / --. .-. . . -. / .--- ..- .. -.-. . / .-.. .. -.- . / .-.. .. --.- ..- .. -.. / - .... .- - / -- .- --. .. -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .... . .- .-.. ... / - .... . / . -..- .--. . .-. .. -- . -. -

Guess what i'm working on

Hiding the Body, the prologue to The Ungus Bungus Collection, is out now!

gameplay teaser- why is it in vhs

hehe, game development.
but wtf is up with uzi???

progress on the uzignition fangame thingy!!!
the sprites were borrowed from my murder drones vector packs.