Share your Entries!

look's like someone have alzheimer and forgot one day AGAIN but let's move on to the next

i'm the first one? well i think so, here's my first drawing for scenetember #scenetember2024

Scenestember has started! and as such, the Scenestember channel has been opened in Anubi Challenges for you to share your entries in!

Scenestember Original Post:…

Scenestember channel:

time for a new monthly prompt challenge!

Presenting #Scenestember 2024, where your goal is to make a piece featuring a scene every 5 days, so plenty of time to develop your pieces

Read the Article for details

Welcome to the Anubi Challenges Community!

This is a place where my monthly challenges (+ any other kind of challenge, such as DTIYS) will be hosted in. When a challenge is happening, share your entry in the respective channel for a chance to get your art featured!

Currently we're hosting the following challenges here:



@AnubiArts owner
Report A community for 22 days