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hey @Alexutbrainisfire this is what your post reminded me of. To finally make the GameJolt logo i've been thinking of but constantly forgetting (and also some other stuff too)

Hey! Would you join our army? :3

the link:

let's conquer the world with our army of jojs

(art made by me btw)

i am a smurf now


Oh just realized i haven't posted this yet. I would love to add sand or maybe water to it but for now i think it still looks good

Hİ, stranger I'm wizard gnome raixeer

And I renewed my style a little more

Normal (first) furry+people or toxic (two) furry+people+toxic+#GameJoltColors24

I think slipknot suits him

Another One! (Character by NyxieTheCat!)

More Art fight Attacks! (characters by Violetryst!)

What accessories should i put on em