Show & Tell in Bendy Series

Put on a big smile!
#GJAsks What's your favourite game series?
Hmm i think it's bendy and FNaF

My fave videogame franchise OF ALL TIME has probably got to be either Half-Life or two others that I could just marry which are Bendy and FNaF but f*ck it, Half-Life is the GOAT!
Still dunno why they all have to wear those ridiculous ties tho idk #GJAsks

So my grandpa got me this and I happy he did. They are so cute ☺️

Here is some test footage of the game

Pergunte ao Bendy - Chapter 3 | Official Trailer
lançamento em 26 de outubro de 2024
#PergunteaoBendy #PergunteaoBendyChapter3 #Bendy #BendyandTheDarkRevival #bendyandtheinkmachine
Today's #GJAsks question is, what's my favorite video game soundtrack??? Well, actually though, there's two that are my favorite!!!! One from Splatoon and one from Bendy and the Dark Revival!!!!!

novo Logotipo do Pergunte ao Bendy: The Secrets of The Ink Machine