Horror games in Devs

Indie Games

The Babette Demo is now live on Steam (and GameJolt ofc)! Get to know Babette as you play the first three levels of the game. Pet her! Feed her kibble! Blood sacrifice! Play with her cat toys! All the regular pet stuff


Play with her! Feed her! Pet her! Perform a... blood sacrifice? There's more to this virtual pet than meets the eye... A free demo is coming soon

Wishlist Babette on Steam!


Made a daytime version of the background for the very first level of Babette. Good to have a safe daytime level before it all hits the fan in the next levels

During one of the mini-games, Babette will think of a toy she wants to play with, and you choose the right one! Choose the wrong toy or be too slow, and she'll be.. disappointed. Like all mini-games, this one ramps up in difficulty throughout the game.

The Steam page for Babette is live!
