general in Construct Devs

Share your creations!

Little sprites and gameplay changes.

Nanotech showcase: Bloodlust!

It drains your health to critical levels, then doubles ALL damage you inflict.

How to get: Earn 15 stars in Challenge Mode

Who's it for: Speedrunners! Or very confident players.

Not for: People who like not dying in 1 hit.


I didn't disappear.
Finishing working about secret for level and start working with mini boss.

Polishing time!

In response to some beta feedback, several enemies have gotten a lot smarter. Now even the lowly riflemen can jump up small hills and chase you away from their patrol zones!

This is one of dozens of minor tweaks I've been making recently.


(Work In Progress)
This is how Construct 2 Sonic Fan-Games will look in 2012!

For the Zero Demo Test Build, the only update came out, updating the game with it and adding some changes.

Test Build (Demo Zero) is released right now!!!

Reminder - if it seems like the channel has been quiet lately, that's because we're in the middle of beta testing!

Reply here if you'd like to try out Crucible and get a free product key upon release for your trouble!


getting closer to the release of the test build... getting closer


Oh, here`s menu and early HUD