Comments in D7 Studios | Scratch

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Quick question, has anyone made or even thought of making a tps (third person shooter) engine for d7 or am I being dumb?

bored at school and made this slope, y-intercept, and y=ax+b calculator/visualiser
it's pretty cool i guess

Just checking to see if there was a good blur engine out there and i think i found a pretty good one. I only tried it once, but it looks pretty reliable. I though it might be helpful for anyone needing a good blur effect. Links below:


when you when

RIP i need to find the script in my jumbled messy code that changes thhe fov to 30 for no reason

I just wanted to describe how thicc @skyistumbling is, I mean truly. Nah jk. Wanted to stop by and say hi! And that um, uhhhh, yeah. November the most wretched month for humanity. Good luck bois🙃

Hey, can anyone help me with a question? In Scratch, how would i impliment a top-down style off-screen collision system that wouldn't just detect distance to position but like with the "touching" block or some other way. (This question is answered!)


update day

mew colors are cool


My current UI is tragic, does anyone know what I could do

Please welcome guest bosses from other games I've made (LIFT and Langit Lands) + a new boss. Other bosses might join soon :).