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CBT2 - Gameplay Trailer! Playtest build coming soon, stay tuned...
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...s - Full Game Released
Started moding my half life 2, it's going really good. In my mod you are fighting against zombies. Game is set in fictional place near City 17.
I updated the night vision filter, now it is much more accurate to real life. It should be added to my game soon.
I "borrowed" the tree from Hvitskog but it's only a placeholder for an atmosphere update im doing.
Blood splatter added
NATO Bandit can now fire projectiles that also have full bullet FX fidelity
A new raycast type added
much more but no space :(
Yeah so I am working on a new game. It will be like a firefight game so stay tuned
Doom remake with sw2