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AI does not have any movement behavior yet

thanks to Activision for all the death sounds

the AI can die from shooting each other too

v0.1.0a will be the first major update, coming out next post, 2 weeks (these are smol updates)


CBT2 Gigacat Character Trailer - CBT2's first character is complete and 5 more to go untill the official release!

You know what I hate about being programmer, when family member says "oH mY gOd HoW cAn U sTaRe At sCreEn fOr 4 hOurS", I am probably using more brain power than they used whole week lol, and they don't know that I am coding they think I am playing games.

animation WIP pt 1. Its the marriage of the main character.


CBT2 Playtest is now up! Please try the game out and give me feedback so i can improve it for the full release!


CBT2 - Gameplay Trailer! Playtest build coming soon, stay tuned...


CBT2 Playtest is now out! Feel free to check the game out!


NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...s - Full Game Released

Started moding my half life 2, it's going really good. In my mod you are fighting against zombies. Game is set in fictional place near City 17.

I updated the night vision filter, now it is much more accurate to real life. It should be added to my game soon.