Today i will start make VHS!Sans pixel art
I did the pixelated version of mikenetic I will also say that there is a rumor of mikenetic that says if you see his program,he will absorb your memories(I wont confirm if it is real or not)
good job so far.
now on to the pink blob
we are already in the lead. i have high hopes.
*4 left… Everybody who has Followed me knows I REALLY like Undertale. This is a chance too great to pass up.
murder the other competitors. smash them into dust.
it is time, my friends.
hey! check this community out! very cool undertale fangame that started out on scratch! (100% coolio)
I love this song!
It even has wordsss-
But no voices except under tonic
It’s “Obsession-by SharaX”
My first mikenetic edit.I removed the three floating magnets for reasons you will se later.If you think it is bad,I agree with you it is not pixel but I will use this version to do it since its less detailed and later add the details