Show and Tell in The Five Night's at Freddy's Scratch Community

Post Play Share Fun! ⬇

wuh oh 2

With the HTML demo of everything the game contained, I'll start redoing everything.

Hello comrades! It's a little late in my time zone so a quick message, I'm thinking about redoing the entire game. Since unfortunately the performance is not very good, and I feel that elements of the gameplay are not very acceptable. (Comments)

Oh. That one... I hope that one isn't that confusing...

Wow.... Has it really been 6 months already?
Damn, looks like I better pack things up!

The Sudden motivation to dive into its code enters the room



Hey guys I made the building of freddle


Hello again, fans! Here's another development update on "These Dark Hours In A Factory".

Read the article.

Made theses pictures for the OWAF fan game!, let me know if I should add anything! follow the game page here:

Thanks for the 50 followers!

We would like to present Frances, the axoloth!

She will have an important rule to the story and the gameplay of this game!