Gameplay in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

Five nights at Sonic's Maniac Mania challenge [Mar10 Day 2024 Challenge]

My current mods in a fixed party challenge!

R.I.P minigame eggman ):

8/60 NO ITEMS (REAL MAX MODE) | FNaS 4 Alternate Edition Round 2
Ing: I DID IT, it cost me a lot, I spent a total of about 1 hour, BUT I DID IT. I am the 3rd person to complete this (4th if we count Creepy who is the one w...

Believe it or not, Phantom Ian exists in FNaS 4 Halloween Edition since v1.30.

Concept art

Superstars game page is FINALLY HERE!

CaN y0u h3Ar M3 n0w?



The Game is here in a 80-90% done demo!!!!



Welcome to your new job at Sonic’s Fast Food Diner, where we put the “fast” in fast food!