General in Garry’s Lair: All things Garry Gabbage

Share your trashy stuff!

The main menu (WIP) You can't see it here, but the main menu background is a video.


The corrupted files menu theme. I know it’s not scary, but it’s my own creation, and I had fun making it.

All guitar and “bass” by me. Drums from a plug-in, and art by @Scrap_Metal


Updated the thumbnail and listened to viewer feedback. I swear this is my last thumbnail post....


I realized some of you all might have trouble viewing the thumbnail, as you have to manually look up the game to see it, so here is the official final thumbnail for the game. It's usually in GIF form, but here it's in video form.

New Thumbnails! Special GIF version viewable on the gamepage! Real excited as I'm getting closer to releasing a Demo.

Some Screenshots from the game.

Play Here:

Hello everyone. I already said this before, but I wanted to talk some more about it. I released the 2nd chapter of my stupid game Disappointment Simulator. I would highly encourage you to go download it now. I put a lot of effort into this dumb project.

Hey guys! Anyone have any requests for me and my friend’s gaming YouTube channel? This includes preferably only free multiplayer games. We might make a phasmaphobia video, in fact I tried, but it didn’t record. Thx.

The channel:

Chapter 2 on the way! Im using this game as a recharger to make random stuff before I move back to corrupted files. Chapter 2 will be longer than chapter 1, and hopefully thatll make up for the huge file size. Make sure to play chapter 1 now!

Disappointment simulator: Chapter one is here: very short, but took forever to make. PLAY NOW: