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Kirby Gamble Galaxy Stories - Mini Trailer Release Date

(Art by Diamond)

Hey guys we wont be getting sneak peeks alot this month. Strimp is taking a break on posting.

tried out the Gamble Galaxy and it was great. the only problem i had trouble remembering the Z and X buttons.



Spark Moveset - Kirby Gamble Galaxy Stories

#Kirby #Nintendo #Fangame #screenshotsaturday

Mystic Fire Ability Hat - Kirby Gamble Galaxy Stories

#Kirby #Nintendo #Fangame #screenshotsaturday


Beam Moveset - Kirby Gamble Galaxy Stories

#Kirby #Nintendo #Fangame #screenshotsaturday

Egg Garden (Surface) - Kirby Gamble Galaxy Stories

#Kirby #Nintendo #Fangame #screenshotsaturday


Path to the Nasty Machine / Gear Cube Depths - KIRBY GAMBLE GALAXY STORIES (Fangame) Soundtrack

#kirby #fangame #nintendo #soundtrack

the last image in the latest teaser might be flare beam and again strimp said that there will be super abilities