general in League of Legends

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The Ann"Sivir"Sary skin looks super cool, glad to get it!

i just had a fun idea,a league and dbd colab adding the creepiest character from league to dbd,fiddlesticks,anyone got any thoughts

Good morning all of my beloved fans from FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) and League of Legends!!! Today's July 2nd, 2024, and we have someone special to show off for today here!!!!!

I've been a fan of League since 2017 and Violyn was the first ship I stumbled upon and is still my favourite ship in any fandom. #PrideJolt

Afternoon everybody!!!!! Today's of course May 21st, 2024, and I have something very interesting here for today!!!!

yall need help

Can't even play valorant and league now because i'm suspended (it was the login glitch in riot client btw)

Also i was like ''Nah lol will run so badly at my pc'' i was wrong, yeah lol can run like a tooster (prefer to call it ''The game who runs potato pcs'')

T1 WIN ! 🔥