general in LGBTQ+

Enjoy your stay! Share your creations!

How me and my friends mainly act:

I <3 hoarding flags and labels and pronouns (the hoard so far, might post another screenshot later tonight if i add more)

howdy, family bought me more chocolate and spicy pringles, i'm trying to relax as much as possible, watching more news about series and movies, taking care of my dog and having fun with my friends

hope you all are relaxing and always smile

Comment 🎵 if you hv spotify

Stolen while still working on an animation and art 😊



I'm bored- gime ideas ANNYY

So... wether parodical or serious this is gootta become like Rule 34? No one is an eception.

Havent warched it yet. Also putted it on LGBT+ cmn cose cibertronians are from the gayest fictional species you can find. Lol

going to sleep, tomorrow i'll do a lot of things, playing much, buying more foods and drinks, mcdonald's, making a list of games for my wii, marvel movies, helping people and then i can finally relax.

sleep well people, wishing y'all to be fine