Поделись творчеством!

participated in the competition of my friend and made his own version of the main antagonist, he did the work in just 3-4 hours

Fanart Contest / Конкурс Фан-артов

They're already there for you / Они уже рядом с тобой

Ночные Игры с Пушком в Кино / Night Games With Fluffy In Movie

You can't go in there! / Тебе туда нельзя!

We complete game soon! :D

This is office, and menu (Work in progress) Also thx for menu :D

Posting this to make it look like the page is alive


У игры появилось своё комьюнити! / The game has its own community!

Всех приветствую в нашем комьюнити по игре

"Project: GreenFun"!

Следи за новостями в ТГК разработчика!

@danielredisoft owner
Report A community for almost 2 years