Non-OC Artwork in Original Characters

Share your very cool and/or epic characters!

My puppets oc

Kali's best album

Happy Valentine's day!!

(also, due to popular demand i might stream today )

more persona stuff (i love this piece).

Requested by @peachmoth .

the aegis toaster (i would unironically buy this).

School doodle for Valentine’s Day. I’ll make a more polished version soon.

(sorry i couldn’t find the reference)

Im bored, tell me what to draw NOW!


Practicing a new art style!!! (I love it)

Reference belongs to:

Something that i decided not to post: Skye the Cockapoo.

Привет ребят! Как у вас дела? Сегодня я нарисовал новый скетч, прошу оценки.

Hi guys! How are you? Today I drew a new sketch, I ask for an assessment.

И ещё, мой скилл вообще улучшается?

Also, is my skill improving at all?