Your Videos in Dream Fan Club

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In the first OUTBREAK In first WAR when the ZEDS reach lengthened one stood with boiling blood he scoured thee EARTH for vengeance against the EVIL that wronged him
And those that tasted the bite of his sword named him
Doom Slayer…

In Episode 3 FIORA a sorceress met up with Kira's party, FIO trying to find her mother followed a dark silhouette that looked just like her which let to the CASTLE OF DEAD

IN CHAPTER 2 Lady KIRA would conjure the Reincarnation of the GODDESS OF WAR BELLONA. Charmed by Kira's VALOR a party was formed and the two femme fatales set forth to find the great magician LUCAIN…

When you awoke to the BLIGHT that consumed the world you almost fell into despair, but BOUND by a desire to rebuild you stand ready to fight an enemy your ill prepared for, because when there's no more heroes your all that's left.…



LADYS and GENTLEMAN, we have DARKTIDE at home.

Deep in the catacombs of a CHOAS INFESTED WORLD a small team has been sent to recover MAGOS of the ADEPTUS MECHANICUS, you a KREIGSMAN must buy the RESCUE TEAM TIME to extract.…

Hey GUYS Kira here today I became a F rank Adventurer in Hydeland. After a lot of grueling practice my ELVEN Elder finally released me to the world. Do you want to party up find The DRAGONS CROWN with me?…

In episode 2 ARAGAMI 2 The GENIN SOL begins his quest against Akatsuchi but before he can strike at the HEART he must begin rebuilding his CLAN and bring HOPE back to his PEOPLE

When a TOMB RAIDER finds an artifact, they don't really know if the piece is art or some kind of gateway to the destruction of Humanity, but for Lara this was a Tuesday and today she travels to another INFERNAL REALM

Let me tell you a tale from the TOWN of BARMWICH where what seemed like a quick hit & run became outright Zed Massacre when an OUTLAW strolled into Town.…

Starting a lets play of Aragami 2