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Don't ever give up, on anything, and whatever you could be going through, you'll pull through. Things take time, they always do. That's never going to change, but that doesn't mean your perception can't.

I've loved seeing a bunch of new artists come to Game Jolt. Some super impressive stuff, and it's actually inspired me a lot! (too bad my PC is broken right now though EEEEEEEEEE)

PC is most likely not getting fixed

Took me long enough lmao

Yeah, that confirms it. My humors broke.

"He's right behind me, isn't he" Pt. 2

Top 10 most tragic moment in history

I hope this guy gets famous one day so I can say I was his 10th subscriber

(also go listen to his music, it's really good.)


Great and powerful Steve

Tried Jax again today. Far from my best work, I have very mixed feelings on it. (especially the hands )