General in Resident Evil
hi i am making an offical character for my youtube channel any name suggestion for him???
I wanted to try to finish Resident Evil 7 in less than 4 hours but the problem is my dad just used my computer for 1 hour and my time limit corrupted my record, Thanks you dad -_-
I want to react to one of this but I can’t decide
I Want to start a potcast i want someone or two to join me I will name It the kityoussef and (your name) cast what do you think if you want to be there just contact me
who wants to join me for a video???
if you want just comment down your discord or whatever i can call you with
guys send me all horror and fnaf games from anywhere to do a video of it and thanks
Scariest Video Game Villian i think is William Birkin
Hey everyone !
The demo should be released this weekend !
Be ready for some cheesy horror !