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Dear, TIOB fans...

I'm sorry I haven't given all of you a devlog.

But I have been working on it!

I'm no longer burnt out with the game!

We're heading to the beaches, interconnected caverns, and mountains in the next/final main update!

Logo of the game!
#untitlednote #logo #pixelart

Hey, so I listened to the entirety of EPIC a few days ago, and I'm a massive fan.

Y'know what that means...?

My projects are taking inspiration!

Meet the Character: Dirdobley!

#indiedev #art #pixelart #characters #untitlednote


How can't this be most popular game in the UNIVERSE

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Poof's Killergarten Wishful Thinking - Teaser
Poof's Killergarten is a series of games about children caretakingfacility called "Killergarten" and a group of disobedient kidsfighting against their pressu...