You game you are working on in Stupid Peoples


Another Demo Update!

Chest and Enemy Generation have been made. Both systems will randomly generate loot and enemies on a room or floor change, both relying on a universal event refresh. All the sprites needed have also been made, I hope this looks interesting.

Alright guys I finally started writing the story/gameplay outline for Boiboi 2

Some news about the final update of Game Quiz and what will happen after.

This game will be on hold for now.

Phantom Fight Demo Update

I mean it's SOMETHING

Hi guys, I'm updating the demo. I figured out how to make sprites look bigger and better.. and actually look like a boss. Also theres some minor bugs in the current demo that need patching. Expect this update soon!

I'm working on something idk if I want to release it or not...

Enjoy the screenshots :)

El Donte's Bizarre Adventure v2.0 - Phantom Fight Demo Release