Bite Sized Bits in Stramedia: game_COMMUNITY

Make a connection attempt...

Oops. The keyhole peeping mechanic turned out to be so powerful, it crashed the engine. lmfao

I have a feeling like I might soon start to hate working with Unity's built in animator, so just in case, I felt like starting making an Animation system of my own! <:

Stramedia: my_MISADVENTURE - 2in1 Original Soundtrack Preview Mega Combo Pack
A tiny preview compilation for something that could be a lot more than just 14 music tracks...composed by yours truly!---------Track List:00:00 Track 01 - We...

...So, save points, am I right?


Oooh! Funky light flickers!

[minor seizure warning for flickering light]

I apologize for not having much stuff to share right now.

I think I might have enough stuff to work with, so I can just focus on modeling stuff, maybe animating stuff, implementing them to test stuffs' functionality?

...But yeah! I still got it, I think!


Um, good evening?

May I possibly acquire some service, please?



...Huh. They must have evacuated, I reckon.