All Posts in Terraria

found it by mining casual meteorite in hardmode (as far as I remember, there are 6 of these in medium world).

I saw this goofy picture on reddit and decided to draw it.
1 photo original
2 photo my drawing

Coin glitch
Disclaimer not my video
Credit to TheDrunkDuck on youtube

In the next version of MashKipper, a system for changing weapons and weapon slots will be added, and the weapons themselves will be hidden on the maps!

Ураа Я поставил монстра на остров золота! Кста впервые кого мне дальше кормить до 15 уровня?

Eye open with what you see in the photo
Ojo abierto con lo que ven en la foto

first time I see a chest placed outside of it's cabin
update: also marble and granite cabins. I just never had them in my previous small world, "Smoll Classica", as well as living trees and a pyramid, and this is a medium world, "Normal Expertium".