general in the saiyan hideout

Ara ara~ welcome in!


I will be confirming my comeback date on Saturday the 13th.

Someone please help scorpion. Hes stuck in texas.

Tomorrow I'll be updating my profile description. It's very outdated and just needs re-typing.

So hopefully I also make a post tomorrow when my new description is done!

I'll be heading to bed now.


Heads up

I currently do not have a set confirmed date for my come back. All I know and will do is come back some point early this year. I'll alarm you all once I have something confirmed properly ((:


Hey hey everyone!

How are you all?? Just wanna let you guys know that I need help with getting animatronics back. I was having an issue and had to delete and reinstall forsaken ar.

Heres my friend code feel free to send me what you like: JZ2U4UAJNQ

Gonna start my first drawing of 2024. Im gonna list my goals, and y'all keep me acountable. Constructive criticism is loved here <3






Unpopular opinion. Mahito is amazing.

Hes my favorite character so far. (Alongside sukuna because hes just hatin on a 15 yr old)

Since all of you literally love my cat more than my art, take some b r e a d

Ngl im thinking about getting off discord because a bunch of stuff keeps happening where i join ppls servers and then it devolves into dms or smt and then they get weird or creepy. Its happened 2 times. And uh, 3rd time isnt the charm.